Alexandra T.
Private tutor in Toronto, Canada
As an undergraduate, I attended South Ural State University in Russia. I graduated 2010. I was a major in Linguistics - translator in cross-cultural communication.
I am passionate about teaching Russian and English. I have been working as a tutor since 2007. I specialize in English and Russian, EILTS, TOEFL, and CELPIP preparation for colleges and universities. My native language is Russian, so I can help students at all levels learn the language, as I have spoken it my entire life. I can help with any part of learning the language including speaking, reading, and writing. If you need help building your vocabulary, or working on your pronunciation skills, I am here to help with that as well. Practice is important when learning a new language, and I am here for that as well. We can work together on coursework, building your vocabulary for an upcoming trip, or prepare for an upcoming exam.
Any day at any time, Any day at any time
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Up to 45 minutes away for no additional charge
I enjoy learning French and Spanish.
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