P I.
Private tutor in Toronto, Canada
I'm currently pursuing an Undergraduate Degree in Electrical Engineering at Ryerson University.
I would describe myself as a passionate lifelong learner who tries to share his love of learning with others. I am very attentive, patient, and understanding when it comes to my work. My general approach is to help instill a sense of confidence and autonomy within each of my students as to make them into independent learners; an asset that will be carried with them throughout their future academic endeavors. Also, my experience has taught me how to clearly explain complex ideas easily and meaningfully, which ultimately builds a deep understanding of the subject being taught. My strong suits as a math tutor are Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Pre-Calculus (Advanced Functions), and Calculus. In physics, my specialties are Mechanics and Waves. Currently, I'm teaching courses up to grade 12 level. Also, feel free to ask about any other subject which you don't see posted.
Any day at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away for no additional charge
Subjects of Interests: Natural Science, Philosophy, Math, Geology, Electronics, Programming, Music, and Language. Some fun activities that I enjoy are outdoors camping, skiing, tennis, and swimming.
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