Ashley M.
Private tutor in Toronto, Canada
University of Oxford, PhD (DPhil) History, 2011 University of Sussex, MA Early Modern History, 2006 McGill University, Honours European History & English Literature, 2004
Taught an on-line course in the History of Medicine through the Continuing Education Faculty at Oxford. Tutored a course on the History of Medicine in the Early Modern Period to a visiting student at Oxford. Received the Canadian National Scholarship from Linacre College, Oxford in 2009 Took classes in: Canadian History, Social History, European History, American History, British History, the History of Medicine and Science, Modern British Literature, American Literature, Anthropology, and Philosophy I'd like to use what I've learned as an undergraduate and graduate student to help others make the most of their high school and university experiences. I have a passion for learning and academics, and I really look forward to encouraging the same in my students.
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I enjoy books of any kind (though history books in particular!), museums and galleries, travel to new places, and learning new things.
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