Anthony C.
Private tutor in Toronto, Canada
I earned my Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Toronto in 2014.
I spent six years as a first- and second-year Teaching Assistant at the University of Toronto where I helped students with Organic Chemistry. I also spent two years as an MCAT classroom instructor, focused on Organic Chemistry and other chemistry topics. I also have five years of experience as a private tutor for both high school and undergraduate students. Finally, I have one year of experience as a lecturer in Organic Chemistry at Trent University. I am available to tutor both high school and university students in chemistry topics like General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, as well as Biology. If you are a high school student taking either AP Chemistry or AP Biology, I can help you understand the underlying concepts that are essential to do well in the course. I can also help you effectively study for the end-of-year exam.
Any day in the afternoon
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Up to 45 minutes away for no additional charge
- Torontonian all my life. - avid runner and cycler
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